Tattoo Disclaimer Form
I am at least 18 years of age. I do not have a heart condition. I am not pregnant. I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. To my knowledge, I do not have any physical, mental, or medical impairment or disability, including allergies to any inks, which may affect my well being as a direct or indirect result of my decision to have any Tattoo/Piercing work done. I agree to follow all instructions concerning the care of my Tattoo/Piercing while it is healing. I agree that any touch up work needed due to my own negligence will be done at my own expense. I understand that if my skin is dark or tanned, the colors of the Tattoo will not appear as bright as they do on light skin. I understand that the Tattoo/Piercing may possibly cause my body to scar. Being of sound mind and body, I hereby release “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” from all responsibility. I accept any and all responsibility myself for any consequences from my decision to have any Tattoo/Piercing related work done by “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” or the business known as “Skin Art Factory” in connection with any and all damages, claims, demands, rights, and causes of action whatever nature, based on injuries, personal, or property damage to, or death of myself or any other persons arising from the decision to have a Tattoo/Piercing work done, whether or not caused by any negligence of “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” or “Skin Art Factory”. I agree myself, heirs, assigns, and legal representatives to hold “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” and “Skin Art Factory” harmless from all damages, causes of action, claims, judgments, cost of litigation, attorney fees, and all other cost and expenses which might arise from my decision to have any Tattoo/Piercing related work done by “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” or “Skin Art Factory”. I give “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” and “Skin Art Factory” full permission to take photographs or videos of me and to use those photographs as they see fit with no compensation to myself. I agree to leave the premises of “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” or “Skin Art Factory” promptly upon request, for any reasons what so ever, by “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” or “Skin Art Factory”. I agree that these waivers also pertain to and are designed to protect any and all establishments where “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” or “Skin Art Factory” may conduct business now and in the future. I represent and warrant that the above and following is true and correct.
To Be Completed By Customer
State______Zip Code__________Age______DOB____/_____/________
I have shown ID, and read and understand the above information. I have also received after care instructions for my Tattoo/Piercing.
Spelling Of Words (If additional space is needed please write on the back of this disclaimer form)________________________________________
To Be Completed By Legal Guardian For Tattoo/Piercing Only
I,_______________________________________, being the sole guardian of
________________________________________, give my permission for him/her to get Tattooed/Pierced by “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” and “Skin Art Factory”.
I agree that I have shown proper ID for myself as well as for my child or child that is legally in my care, and that I have shown the original Birth Certificate or Adjudication to “Tattooist/Body Piercer Paul Anthony Vitti” or “Skin Art Factory” to prove guardianship of said child who wishes to have Tattoo/Piercing work done.
To Be Completed By Staff Only!
Tattoo Design:____________________________________________________________
Location Of Tattoo:________________________________________________________
Piercing Location:_________________________________________________________
Price (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Square, Postal Money Order, Cash, or Property Trade): $_______________________
Credit Card Number:___________________________________CVV Number:__________ EXP. Date:_________________________
*Note: Please copy all forms of ID on the back of this Disclaimer Form*